22/7 Wiki

Rokubanchou Academy (六番町学院 Rokubanchō Gakuin) is a high school located in Japan. It is the school that 22/7 and ChouChou attend in 22/7 Ongaku no Jikan.


Rokubanchou Academy is a school created by the government to strengthen the entertainment industry. It appears that classes are sorted by idol group, rather than the traditional system of by age group.


Rokubanchō (六番町): Roku (六) means "six" and Banchō (番町) means "community" where Ban (番) means "turn" and Chō (町) means "town" respectively.


Nicole Saito Nanaon

Rokubanchou's Winter Uniform

Rokubanchou's uniform consists of a modified sailor outfit. In the winter uniform, a long-sleeved, green blouse with a white collar lined with dark green and grey accents is tucked into a dark green and grey plaid skirt that reaches the mid-thigh. It is also usually paired with knee-length dark grey socks and black loafers.

In the school's summer uniform, the same skirt is worn but is now paired with a white, puffy short-sleeved blouse with a green collar lined with a darker green.

All students wear the same dark green bow. A plain black crest with gold lining is also placed on the top left of the blouse.



22/7 Class[]

ChouChou Class[]

